Facilitator and Meeting Host Training Programs
SMART Recovery offers two types of training: Facilitator and Meeting Host.
Facilitator Training
$75 fee, 20-30 hour completion time over 8 weeks, mostly self-paced online training, registration deadline the 15th of each month (course begins about one week thereafter). Upon completion of course Facilitator is eligible to register and facilitate a SMART Recovery meeting. CEUs are also available for those completing the Facilitator Training.
More information on Facilitator Training, and our On-Site Training
Host Training
No charge (donations accepted), several hours hour completion time, entirely self-paced, training materials available online at any time. After reviewing the host training materials and completing several administrative steps the Host is eligible to register and host a SMART Recovery discussion meeting. Discussion meetings and host training were introduced in June, 2015, only for US volunteers.
For information about Host training, visit our Host Training Page
Facilitator Training Program Overview
SMART Recovery offers an online Distance Training Program for individuals who are interested in joining us to become one of the ever-growing number of our SMART Recovery meeting Facilitators or Volunteers. Our training programs are provided for individuals who are planning to start a new (or to facilitate an existing) SMART Recovery face-to-face or online meeting within 3 months of their training, or for those who are becoming a SMART Recovery Online (SROL) Volunteer.
The Get SMART FAST (Facilitator And Support Team) training program and course has been created to provide our training participants with the necessary knowledge of SMART Recovery and the SMART Recovery 4-Point Program®, allowing them to proceed capably and comfortably in their role as a SMART Recovery meeting Facilitator or Volunteer.
Note: For UK and Australian trainees, see our International Training Links.
Facilitator Training Course
Facilitator Training consists of 30 hours of information-packed self-study provided in our Distance Training platform to prepare you to start, facilitate and promote SMART Recovery meetings with confidence.
The training materials are presented in various multi-media formats, including video presentations and reading materials which guide you through the course. The Distance Training Team is on hand throughout, supporting you with online forum discussions, while the training exercises and handy reviews let you measure your progress with the completion of each of the training segments.
Two live training meetings take place in each training session, following the completion of the self-study coursework. The first meeting consists of multiple role play scenarios and exercises presented for discussion and application of the SMART Recovery tools and techniques. The final meeting, which is a presentation by and a Question & Answer session with SMART Recovery President Dr. Tom Horvath, Ph.D. wraps up and completes the training.
Facilitator Training Registration
Are you ready to join us? Please review the Course Outline, Requirements, and Session Oveview provided below, and then complete and submit the online registration by clicking here or the button below.
Training sessions take place monthly. Registrations for the upcoming training session are taken through the 15th of the month immediately prior to the monthly session. Any registrations received after the deadline will be placed in the next available training session.
For example, registrations for the January training session are taken through December 15th. Registrations received after December 15th will be placed in the February training session.
(Registering a group? Please contact our Central Office for assistance.)
There is a $75.00 non-refundable registration fee to help cover some of the costs associated with providing the training. If the registration fee is a financial burden, click here to inquire about our training scholarship program.
On-Site Training for Professionals
Looking to get the staff at your rehab or counselling centre quickly up to speed with SMART Recovery?
SMART Recovery offers professional on-site training for staff and groups of 12 or more.
Call us toll free at 866-951-5357 for more information.
CEU Credits Available
The Institute of Addiction Awareness is providing continuing education credits for nurses, social workers and addiction counsellors completing the SMART Recovery “Get SMART FAST” Distance Training program. A 30 hour CEU certificate is available for only $69.99 to those professionals who successfully complete the training and are able to provide their certificate of completion. (See the approvals section at the CEU Institute website for additional details about specific credits.)
It’s simple… go to http://www.CEUInstitute.com, complete the form provided and submit along with your payment and a copy of your “Get SMART FAST” Distance Training completion certificate.
Thank you CEU Institute for providing this helpful service!
NOTE: This service is provided by an independent, outside vendor. SMART Recovery is not involved with the certification/accreditation process as far as to whom, where, etc. the CEU credits are applicable to. Inquiries regarding these matters need to be made directly to the CEU Institute via their “Contact Us” information on their website.
Thank You!
Upon the successful completion of the Facilitator Training and the receipt of your Volunteer Registration Form containing your meeting information by the Central Office, you will receive a Meeting Starter Kit (a $45 value) consisting of 4 DVDs, a SMART Recovery Handbook, and a SMART Recovery hat to use when “passing the hat” at your meeting. The SMART Recovery Facilitator’s Manual is available as a free downloadable PDF when you register for the training. (If you wish, you may also purchase a printed copy in our online Book store.) This complimentary Meeting Starter Kit is just a small token of our sincere appreciation and gratitude for your help in expanding the reach of SMART Recovery® to your area.
We are continually striving to increase the number of SMART Recovery meetings that are available to individuals who may benefit from our program. At the 2012 Annual Conference held in Chicago, we announced our goal of having 5000 meetings available by the year 2020. It is people just like you who will turn our goal into a reality, and we are looking forward to your participation!
Tom Horvath
President, SMART Recovery®
Training Program Outline and Requirements
Facilitator Training Program Course Outline
International Facilitator Training Links
Australia – SMART Recovery Facilitator Training
UK – SMART Recovery Facilitator Training