SMART Recovery Online Volunteer Job Descriptions
Thank you for your interest in Volunteering for SMART Recovery Online!
Please read the position descriptions and then submit the application for the volunteer position you’re interested in.
Please don’t take the idea of being a SMART Volunteer lightly. More than anyone, the volunteers of SMART Recovery Online ARE the face of SMART Recovery. People come to SMART looking for hope, and they find it in the tools and peer support that SMART Recovery offers.
New members arriving at SMART tend to view volunteers as people who have an understanding of our 4-Point Program®. While it’s not necessary for a volunteer to be a “total expert” with our methods, a basic grasp of the tools and concepts is desirable. And- one very valuable benefit of becoming a volunteer is you’ll have ongoing opportunities to enhance your own knowledge of the tools as you help others.
SMART’s expectation is that as a volunteer you will seek to use the tools in all of your dealings at SROL. When you volunteer, you “are” SMART Recovery for many people. It can take real dedication and willingness to give of yourself to be an effective volunteer, while at the same time, volunteering can be a very rewarding and satisfying way of furthering your own recovery.
Chat Volunteer
Message Board Volunteer
Meeting Helper
Online Facilitator
Title: Chat Volunteer
Coordinates with: Chat Volunteer Liaison
Prepared by: Jonathan von Breton and SROL Volunteers
Date Approved: April 9, 2006
Date Updated: April 4th, 2013
Chat Volunteers help create a friendly, supportive atmosphere in the text chatroom during off hours so that participants can more easily learn and use the tools of SMART Recovery. Chat Volunteers ensure that principles, practices, concepts and tools used in Chat are consistent with those of SMART Recovery.
Must be involved at SMART Recovery online for at least 6 months.
Must complete the training Get SMART Fast training within 3 months of becoming a volunteer
Chat Volunteers need to know:
- The basic SMART Recovery 4 Point Program
- SMART Recovery tools and techniques
- Where to direct new participants for further resources.
- How to call for help
- Know the suicide links
- Basic netiquette
6 months self-reported abstinence in order to apply.
SMART Volunteer Abstinence & Relapse Policy
Must be able to use a computer. All duties are on-line.
This is a volunteer position. The Leadership Committee has final approval for all volunteers. The volunteer may spend as much or as little time as they wish. To achieve life style balance and avoid burnout, it is recommended that the volunteer not spend all of their time in chat. The volunteer’s own recovery comes first at all times!
Good written and oral abilities. Must be able to convey essential information to other volunteers, members of the on-line community and the Liaison. Must be able to convey the basic principles and tools of SMART Recovery.
Has access to personal information of other volunteers and members of the on-line community. Maintains confidentiality/privacy of all materials. A sense of privacy is crucial to any self-help organization. (Violation of privacy/confidentiality may result in dismissal.)
1. Visit chat during non-meeting times
2. Greet newcomers.
3. Provide information and links about message board orientation, SMART tools, etc.
4. Alert administrators and other volunteers to participants that may be problematic.
5. Provide support and crisis links when needed.
6. Explain how SMART Recovery tools can be used to deal with a variety of life issues..
7. Attend Chat Volunteer meetings if available
All new SROL volunteers are required to complete the “Get SMART FAST” Distance Training Program.
Our Get SMART FAST(Facilitator and Support Team) Distance Training Program utilizes the online Moodle e-learning platform, which allows training sessions to take place every month. The “study” portion takes place during the month in which the session is taking place, where training participants will view all reading materials, DVDs, PowerPoint presentations, and other training materials online. This is done at one’s own pace at times that is convenient to them. The only “deadline” is the end of the month, when the “study” portion is to be completed. Then, participants will attend two real-time meetings, via the SMART Recovery Online (SROL) Message Board Chat System. The first meeting is a role-play of a SMART Recovery meeting, where trainees take on the various roles of individuals and participants of a SMART Recovery meeting. The final meeting, consisting of a presentation and Q & A session with SMART Recovery President Tom Horvath, PhD wraps up and completes the training session.
Please click here for more information on our Distance Training Program. Also note that there is an expense involved for the training. If you have any questions or concerns that might be problematic or may prevent you from becoming a volunteer, please contact the Central Office to discuss what options may be available to you.
Click here to Volunteer for this position!
Title: Message Board Volunteers, (MBVs)
Coordinates with: Message Board Volunteer Liaison
Prepared by: Jonathan von Breton and SROL Volunteers
Date Approved: April 9, 2006
Date Updated: April 4th, 2013
MBVs help create a friendly, supportive atmosphere on the MB so that participants can more easily learn and use the tools of SMART Recovery. MBVs ensure that principles, practices, concepts and tools used on the MB are consistent with those of SMART Recovery.
Must be involved at SMART Recovery online for at least 6 months.
Must complete the training Get SMART Fast training within 3 months of becoming a volunteer
MBVs need to know:
- The basic SMART Recovery 4 Point Program
- SMART Recovery tools and techniques
- The layout of the message board
- Basic posting “how to’s and guidelines
- How to report a post
- Know the suicide links
- Basic netiquette
6 months self-reported abstinence in order to apply.
SMART Volunteer Abstinence & Relapse Policy
Must be able to use a computer. All duties are on-line.
This is a volunteer position. The Leadership Committee has final approval for all volunteers. The volunteer may spend as much or as little time as they wish. To achieve life style balance and avoid burnout, it is recommended that the volunteer not spend all of their time in chat. The volunteer’s own recovery comes first at all times!
Good written and oral abilities. Must be able to convey essential information to other volunteers, members of the on-line community and the Liaison. Must be able to convey the basic principles and tools of SMART Recovery.
Has access to personal information of other volunteers and members of the on-line community. Maintains confidentiality/privacy of all materials. A sense of privacy is crucial to any self-help organization. (Violation of privacy/confidentiality may result in dismissal.)
1. Greet newcomers
2. Provide information and links about message board orientation, SMART tools, etc
3. Monitor less active threads
4. Find posts in ‘wrong’ threads and forums and steer members to more active forums.
5. Alert administrators and other volunteers to participants that may be problematic.
6. Alert other volunteers to threads which are becoming contentious.
7. Post feedback to members on the message boards.
8. Explain how SMART Recovery tools can be used to deal with a variety of life issues.
9. Attend MBV meetings if available.
10. Post at least 10 posts per month to members.
11. Let the liaison know if you will be away for a period of a week or more
All new SROL volunteers are required to complete the “Get SMART FAST” Distance Training Program.
Our Get SMART FAST(Facilitator and Support Team) Distance Training Program utilizes the online Moodle e-learning platform, which allows training sessions to take place every month. The “study” portion takes place during the month in which the session is taking place, where training participants will view all reading materials, DVDs, PowerPoint presentations, and other training materials online. This is done at one’s own pace at times that is convenient to them. The only “deadline” is the end of the month, when the “study” portion is to be completed. Then, participants will attend two real-time meetings, via the SMART Recovery Online (SROL) Message Board Chat System. The first meeting is a role-play of a SMART Recovery meeting, where trainees take on the various roles of individuals and participants of a SMART Recovery meeting. The final meeting, consisting of a presentation and Q & A session with SMART Recovery President Tom Horvath, PhD wraps up and completes the training session.
Please click here for more information on our Distance Training Program. Also note that there is an expense involved for the training. If you have any questions or concerns that might be problematic or may prevent you from becoming a volunteer, please contact the Central Office to discuss what options may be available to you.
Click here to Volunteer for this position!
Title: Meeting Helper
Coordinates with: Meetings Liaison
Prepared by: Jonathan von Breton and SROL Volunteers
Date Approved: April 9, 2006
Date Updated: April 4th, 2013
Helps facilitator in SMART Recovery On-line meetings in text or voice chat with greeting, taking notes, posting links and sharing general information.
Must be involved at SMART Recovery online for at least 6 months.
Must complete the training Get SMART Fast training within 3 months of becoming a volunteer
Meeting Helpers need to know:
- The basic SMART Recovery 4 Point Program
- SMART Recovery tools and techniques
- Basic social skills.
- Know the suicide links
- Basic netiquette
6 months self-reported abstinence and involvement with SMART Recovery
SMART Volunteer Abstinence & Relapse Policy
Must be able to use a computer. All duties are on-line.
On the job training with facilitator determining jobs that the Meeting Helper is comfortable with.
This is a volunteer position. The Leadership Committee has final approval for all volunteers. The volunteer may spend as much or as little time as they wish. To achieve life style balance and avoid burnout, it is recommended that the volunteer not spend all of their time in chat. The volunteer’s own recovery comes first at all times!
Good written and oral abilities. Must be able to convey essential information to other volunteers, members of the on-line community and the Liaison. Must be able to convey the basic principles and tools of SMART Recovery.
Has access to personal information of other volunteers and members of the on-line community. Maintains confidentiality/privacy of all materials. A sense of privacy is crucial to any self-help organization. (Violation of privacy/confidentiality may result in dismissal.)
1. Meeting Helpers are requested to commit to one specific meeting per week. (Note: if you are attending another meeting, and a Meeting Helper is not present, you are welcome to volunteer to assist the Facilitator.)
2. Greet people as they come into the meeting.
3. Answer general meeting questions i.e. “is this a meeting?” “who is the facilitator?”
4. Help the facilitator keep the group focused.
5. Post links for the facilitator.
All new SROL volunteers are required to complete the “Get SMART FAST” Distance Training Program.
Our Get SMART FAST(Facilitator and Support Team) Distance Training Program utilizes the online Moodle e-learning platform, which allows training sessions to take place every month. The “study” portion takes place during the month in which the session is taking place, where training participants will view all reading materials, DVDs, PowerPoint presentations, and other training materials online. This is done at one’s own pace at times that is convenient to them. The only “deadline” is the end of the month, when the “study” portion is to be completed. Then, participants will attend two real-time meetings, via the SMART Recovery Online (SROL) Message Board Chat System. The first meeting is a role-play of a SMART Recovery meeting, where trainees take on the various roles of individuals and participants of a SMART Recovery meeting. The final meeting, consisting of a presentation and Q & A session with SMART Recovery President Tom Horvath, PhD wraps up and completes the training session.
Please click here for more information on our Distance Training Program. Also note that there is an expense involved for the training. If you have any questions or concerns that might be problematic or may prevent you from becoming a volunteer, please contact the Central Office to discuss what options may be available to you.
Click here to Volunteer for this position!
Title: Online Facilitator (OF)
Coordinates with: OF Liaison and The Leadership Committee
Prepared by: Jonathan von Breton and SROL Volunteers
Date Approved: April 9, 2006
Date Updated: April 4th, 2013
Facilitates SMART Recovery On-line meetings in text or voice chat. Ensures that the meetings are run in a manner consistent with the principles and practices of SMART Recovery.
Must be involved at SMART Recovery online for at least 6 months.
Must complete the training Get SMART Fast training within 3 months of becoming a volunteer
OFs need to know:
- The basic SMART Recovery 4 Point Program
- SMART Recovery tools and techniques
- The basic structure and format of SMART Recovery meetings.
- Basic social skills.
- Know the suicide links and how to deal with distraught members
- Basic netiquette
6 months self-reported abstinence and involvement with SMART Recovery in order to apply for training.
SMART Volunteer Abstinence & Relapse Policy
Must be able to use a computer. All duties are on-line.
Must co-facilitate 6 meetings and be debriefed by the Facilitator/trainer after each meeting.
Facilitate 6 meetings and be observed and debriefed after each meeting.
(Other training requirements/recommendations may be added as they become available)
This is a volunteer position. The Leadership Committee has final approval for all volunteers. The volunteer may spend as much or as little time as they wish. To achieve life style balance and avoid burnout, it is recommended that the volunteer not spend all of their time in chat. The volunteer’s own recovery comes first at all times!
Good written and oral abilities. Must be able to convey essential information to other volunteers, members of the on-line community and the Liaison. Must be able to convey the basic principles and tools of SMART Recovery.
Has access to personal information of other volunteers and members of the on-line community. Maintains confidentiality/privacy of all materials. A sense of privacy is crucial to any self-help organization. (Violation of privacy/confidentiality may result in dismissal.)
1. Start and end meetings on-time.
2. Adhere to the SMART Recovery meeting agenda.
3. Keep group focused on task (insofar as possible).
4. Explain how SMART Recovery tools can be used for recovery and a variety of life issues.
5. Refer suicidal and distraught participants appropriately..
6. Attend OF meetings if available.
All new SROL volunteers are required to complete the “Get SMART FAST” Distance Training Program.
Our Get SMART FAST(Facilitator and Support Team) Distance Training Program utilizes the online Moodle e-learning platform, which allows training sessions to take place every month. The “study” portion takes place during the month in which the session is taking place, where training participants will view all reading materials, DVDs, PowerPoint presentations, and other training materials online. This is done at one’s own pace at times that is convenient to them. The only “deadline” is the end of the month, when the “study” portion is to be completed. Then, participants will attend two real-time meetings, via the SMART Recovery Online (SROL) Message Board Chat System. The first meeting is a role-play of a SMART Recovery meeting, where trainees take on the various roles of individuals and participants of a SMART Recovery meeting. The final meeting, consisting of a presentation and Q & A session with SMART Recovery President Tom Horvath, PhD wraps up and completes the training session.
Please click here for more information on our Distance Training Program. Also note that there is an expense involved for the training. If you have any questions or concerns that might be problematic or may prevent you from becoming a volunteer, please contact the Central Office to discuss what options may be available to you.
Click here to Volunteer for this position!
updated March 13,2015