SMART Recovery Voice Chat Meetings

SMART Recovery offers voice chat meetings several times a week. You can use a PC, Mac, or Linux for voice chat, as long as your machine has Flash installed on it!

Check the Online Meeting Schedule for the dates and times of meetings.


Getting Set Up for Voice Chat

1. Get Connected

If you already have an account with SMART Recovery, you can skip this step. Multiple accounts are forbidden on the SMART Recovery USA site, and will result in a ban.

a) To register with SMART Recovery, please click this link:

b) Fill in your birth date on the first page, click the “Proceed” button on the bottom right, then on the second page, fill in the information as instructed. If possible, please use the same username and email address you use on the UK site to make things easier.

c) You will receive a confirmation email at the email address you’ve provided. This email will contain a link you need to click. Once you click the link, you will be registered!

2. Logging in

If you’ve already registered with SMART Recovery USA, or have logged out since your first registration, you may need to login.

The login form is at the top right of any SMART Recovery Community page, and looks like this:

If you don’t see this form, and instead see text that says “Welcome, {your username here}” then you are already logged in.

3. Accessing the chat

After you are logged in, click the “SMART CHAT & ONLINE MEETINGS” text on the black horizontal bar under the logo, then click the “Enter Chat/Meeting Rooms Directly (Mac/PC/Linx)” link, as in this screenshot:


This will open a new tab in your browser with a list of chat rooms. Note that we recommend using the Google Chrome browser, and voice chat will not work on mobile phones/tablets at this time.

From this list of rooms, select the proper meeting room from the schedule:

If you receive an error message, you may have entered the room too soon, and can try entering the “SMART Recovery 24/7 Chat” room while you wait.

4. Enabling your microphone

Once you are in the meeting room, you will need to enable your microphone to speak. To do this, start by clicking the microphone icon on the top right of your screen:

After this, you may get a confirmation dialog asking you to allow or deny. Make sure you select “Allow”:


After selecting “Allow”, you will see a small black box. Hover over it with your mouse cursor and click and hold the microphone button to talk. Remember to release the microphone when you are finished talking, as only one person can talk at once.

5. Meeting Times

To see a list of meeting times (both US and UK), please click here:

Enjoy your meeting!

Note: if you are having trouble with any of these steps, please contact SMART Recovery by using this form:

Problems accessing the chat system?

If you get a blank screen when you try and access the Chat system, there are a couple of things to check.

  • You need ‘Adobe Flash’ installed, which you probably already have, but it might be out of date.  Use this Adobe site to check whether it is installed – if it reports you have a version of flash earlier than 10.1 you must upgrade.  If it is less than 11, you are a bit out of date and might benefit from upgrading anyway.
  • Supported browsers include: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or later (32 bit only); Mozilla Firefox 3 or later; Google Chrome.  If in doubt, it might be worth upgrading. We tend to recommend Google Chrome which also works well with our website.

Buy a headset

To participate fully in the on-line meetings, please use a headset.  These work  much better than a microphone and speakers on the computer itself, which tend to cause ‘feedback’ and a nasty echo.  If you buy your headset through our link to, SMART Recovery gets a small percentage of the purchase price.

Have Fun Chatting and Stay SMART!