Self-Enhancement Possibilities
o | Weight control | |
o | Physical condition: Improve stamina, body shape and tone, vitality. | |
o | Stop self-defeating behaviors: Eliminate drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse; stop avoiding dentist or doctor. |
o | Reasoning: Spot logical errors, semantic fallacies. | |
o | Analysis: Learn to ask better questions. | |
o | Articulation: Learn to express ideas orally and in writing. | |
o | Information: Acquire knowledge, form opinions based on evidence. |
o | Empathy training: Listen better, increase sensitivity to others’ wants and feelings | |
o | Assertion: Improve communication of feelings, positive and negative, verbally and nonverbally; expressing opinions; standing up for rights. | |
o | Relate to children in a non-authoritarian way. | |
o | Experimental relating: Do opposite of “natural” tendency; choose previously rejected persons; tolerate discomfort. | |
o | Loneliness tolerance training: Gradually increase periods of solitude. | |
o | Rational-emotive therapy: Integrate feelings, beliefs and actions; understand cognitive blocks to emotional well-being and effective living. |
o | Information: You can’t know too much: check truth of commonly held ideas. | |
o | Freedom from compulsions: Challenge ideas behind compulsions | |
o | Remove inhibitions that are self-defeating: express wishes, dreams, desires. | |
o | Experimentation: Vary partners, techniques, circumstances, approaches. |
o | Follow up on long-desired interest or activity | |
o | Intensify current hobby. | |
o | Take up related hobby, sport or pursuit. | |
o | Try several new interests or activities — you may like one or two |
o | Cooking and food preparation. | |
O | Home and auto maintenance. | |
O | Bookkeeping, budgeting, and tax records. |
o | Develop friendships; or enhance intimacy of old ones | |
o | Improve skills in dealing with sex-love partners: Meeting, initiating, attracting, etc. | |
o | Express more affection: See no. 3 above. |
o | Investigate potential for advancement. | |
o | Check out other positions, salaries | |
o | Investigate investment possibilities, freelancing opportunities |
o | Evaluate residence and possessions. | |
o | Dispose of inappropriate items, and acquire relevant ones. |