SMART Recovery Handbook, 3rd Edition
This is the 3rd edition of the SMART Recovery Handbook, edited specifically for the UK. It will be useful to meeting participants who want a stronger understanding of the ideas and tools used in SMART Recovery and includes most of the hand-outs and written exercises we use in meetings.
Most people will not read this Handbook from cover to cover but rather use it as a topic-by-topic reference to answer questions as they move through their recovery journey. The worksheets can be freely photocopied by Facilitators to use in meetings.
You will need a credit card to purchase online and we aim to make these available to Facilitators to sell within meetings. We will send a free copy to all Facilitators and
Champions who are currently running meetings. If you are interested in a bulk order please get in touch with the central office to discuss discounts.
SMART Family & Friends Handbook
Are you looking to help a loved one with an addiction?
Is someone else’s addiction negatively affecting you?
Designed for people affected by the addictive behavior of a loved one, this 138-page Handbook contains 14 sections with a wide range of topics including Change and Motivation, Positive Communication, Healthy Boundaries, Safety, and Support, Coping with Lapses, Disable the Enabling, Trust and Forgiveness – and much more. It can be used in conjunction with attendance at SMART Family & Friends (F&F) online or community meetings, or on its own.
The Handbook includes SMART Recovery’s tools for coping in a healthy way with the many emotionally challenging situations frequently encountered in relationships where addiction is a factor. A Family & Friends meeting participant states: “I came to SMART to get help dealing with my partner’s addiction. What I got are tools that help me deal more effectively with almost every aspect of MY life.”
Additionally, the Handbook incorporates the principles of the evidence-based CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Training) approach. Studies have shown CRAFT to be significantly more effective than either Al-Anon or Johnson interventions for getting addicted individuals into treatment.
Successful Life Skills 2nd Edition
Successful Life Skills are the epitome of what the recovery movement represents. This guide can help any population learn and improve their lives on a holistic level, focusing on solutions rather than labels or diagnoses. It focuses on choices that are paramount for people to engage and participate in a learning experience. This new manual is by far the easiest, most targeted, and user-friendly treatment tool available today. It meets standards for evidence-based treatment, follows a natural progression, and can be used in either facilitator-led or participant-led groups. SMART Recovery and NIDA’s evidence-based InsideOut Correctional Program have been used in prisons and jails around the world over the last 22 years to great effect. Successful Life Skills has upgraded this program for the 21st Century, extending the program components and including many valuable and relevant life skills. Focused and thoughtful reading of this book will instill HOPE in people who wish to make changes in their lives and the POWER to make them.
SMART Recovery Facilitator's Manual
The SMART Recovery Facilitator’s Manual 2nd Edition provides an excellent overview of how to start and run a SMART Recovery group meeting, and also serves as a superb refresher for individuals who have been leading groups for some time.
The Facilitator’s Manual also includes chapters on facing challenging situations, developing your skills as a SMART Recovery facilitator, a guide to present SMART Recovery tools to a new group, answers to frequently asked questions during meetings, and more. Coil-bound to lay flat, the Facilitator’s Manual 2nd Edition is designed to be a handy reference resource during your meetings as well.
NOTE: This book is meant to accompany the Facilitator Training course, which can be found and registered for at: Before starting a SMART Recovery meeting, you must complete the facilitator training and register your meeting with the SMART Recovery National Office.
SMART Recovery Family & Friends Facilitator’s Manual
This how-to Manual provides information for conducting a SMART Recovery Family & Friends Meeting using a combination of SMART Recovery tools and CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Training) concepts.
The 144 page Manual contains 14 sections with suggested meeting outlines for exploring a wide range of topics including: Change and Motivation, Positive Communication, Healthy Boundaries, Safety and Support, Coping with Lapses, Disable the Enabling, Trust and Forgiveness – and much more. The Manual is used in conjunction with SMART Recovery FAST Distance Training. Family & Friends Facilitator’s Manual is spiral bound.
NOTE: This book is meant to accompany the Family & Friends Facilitator Training course, which can be found and registered for at: Before starting a Family & Friends SMART Recovery meeting, you must complete the facilitator training and register your meeting with the SMART Recovery National Office.
Thoughts & Inspirations A Journal for Reflections
Learn SMART InsideOut Fast

Learn SMART InsideOut Fast is a condensed version of the SMART Recovery InsideOut Program. This handbook, which is created specifically for short-term and usually jail-based incarceration, offers participants the empowerment necessary to make positive decisions and choose a new productive way of living. Learn SMART InsideOut Fast is based on the SMART Recovery® 4-Point Focus Program using cognitive behavioral therapy techniques with the primary goal of preventing offender recidivism through scientifically-based tools and techniques
Addiction & Co-occurring Disorders from a SMART Recovery Perspective
Addiction and Co-Occurring Disorders from a SMART Recovery® Perspective: A Manual for Group Therapists
by Dawn Adamson, RN, CPMHN(c), CARN, and A.G. Ahmed, MD, FRCP
Designed for use by addiction professionals working with those with co-occurring disorders, this easy-to-use therapy manual includes 35 sessions of helpful group exercises with a strong scientific base. The group therapy format used is particularly desirable for front-line treatment programs. Each session includes discussion, exercises and/or role-plays, questions for the facilitator to pose to the group for discussion, and self-help homework.
The material presented aims to engage individuals in the recovery process, help increase individual insight, motivate and sustain change through education and skill development. The program has been adapted for delivery in community settings with individuals with co-occurring disorders.
Chapter topics include: Getting Started/Motivated (4 sessions); Changing Your Beliefs (8 sessions); Coping with Cravings (10 sessions); Following Through (9 sessions); and 8 optional sessions address drug facts, definitions, relationship
between drug use, mental disorder and offending behavior, and more.
Spiral bound.
282 pp.
Note 1: Handbooks
If you require a SMART Recovery handbook please contact [email protected] . A handbook will be made available to you. The cost is $25.00 ea. ($20 for Handbook + Shipping charges are $5.00) per book
Note 2: Handbooks “May” be available for pick up at Face to Face Meetings (No Rush Fee)
Updated July 1, 2023